Every family needs a home.
At Compass Family Services, we’re passionate about helping homeless and at-risk families become stably housed, emotionally and physically healthy, and economically self-sufficient. Compass was founded in 1914 as Travelers’ Aid San Francisco to provide assistance to the 18.5 million newcomers who visited the city of San Francisco for the 1915 World’s Fair. Since then, our history has followed the trajectory of San Francisco's history, serving the most vulnerable populations during the Great Depression, World War II, immigrants and refugees from Asia in the 1950's, and homeless youth during and after the Summer of Love.
Today, while helping families secure long-term housing, Compass Family Services provides the most comprehensive range of support services designed specifically for those in distress.
We’re proud of our 100+ year legacy of serving all the people of San Francisco.

Erica Kisch
Executive Director

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Compass Family Services leads the way in helping San Francisco families facing homelessness secure stable housing and attain economic self-sufficiency and family well-being. We have been service innovators for more than 100 years, and more than 90% of the families who complete our housing programs achieve lasting success.
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: We help homeless families and those at imminent risk to achieve housing stability, economic self-sufficiency, and well-being.
Compass Family Services boasts a strong passion for social justice. We embrace the idea that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion contribute to our success and strive to look at everything we do through this lens. We are committed to the pursuit of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in all aspects and areas of our work, in both internal and external relationships – as they impact our clients, our staff, our stakeholders and our place in the community. We believe that we can empower families to achieve housing stability, self-sufficiency and well-being by creating a system that is equitable and a culture of inclusion that leverages diversity. We understand that that this work is a continuous process while at the same time recognizing that it is absolutely critical to our success and integrity as an organization.