The primary election is just one week away on March 5th, and San Francisco voters are deciding on several important ballot measures. See below for positions Compass is taking on Propositions (Prop) A and F.
What is it?
Prop A would issue $300 million in bonds to fund affordable housing construction for households ranging from extremely low-income to moderate-income. Presently, San Francisco faces a state mandate to build 46,000 affordable homes by 2031. In 2020, voters approved the largest housing bond in San Francisco history at $600 million, and this measure would further the city’s efforts to meet the state mandate.Â
What is the impact?
Housing is the solution to homelessness; Prop A will effectively address the critical need for more deeply affordable housing for families experiencing homelessness.
Compass encourages our community to vote YES on Prop A

What is it?
Prop F asks voters whether San Francisco County Adult Assistance Program (CAAP) beneficiaries should be profiled and pre-screened for drug use to continue to receive aid.Prop F requires individuals who use drugs to enter mandated drug treatment to continue to receive this public benefit; if that individual misses a treatment appointment, the benefit will be discontinued and the individual will lose their shelter or housing.Â
What is the impact?
Prop F punishes those who have the greatest need, and it will lead to adults living on fixed income to lose the assistance they currently receive. This proposal will continue an existing trend to move funding away from the homeless response system supporting families and youth towards punitive, short-sighted interventions for unsheltered single adults; these interventions are not evidence-based and do not lead to lasting exits from street homelessness. Prop F goes against public health best practice and is opposed by dozens of political organizations, social services providers, media outlets, and politicians—including the San Francisco Chronicle, UCSF Director of Addiction Care Team Dr. Marlene Martin, the San Francisco Human Services Network, the Homeless Emergency Service Provider Association, our State Assemblyman Matt Haney, and 6 of 11 San Francisco City and County Supervisors.
Compass encourages our community to vote NO on Prop F
This election will have reverberating effects on the family service system and city at large, and we urge voters to vote YES on Proposition A and NO on Proposition F.
Find more information about how to vote here.