For anyone who spends much time at Compass, you’re likely to encounter an enthusiastic woman loved by clients and staff alike. You might see her in the middle of helping a mother get a snack for her hungry children, catching up with the front desk manager at 37 Grove Street, or dropping off donations she’s collected from friends and family—all with a big smile. This warm, ever-moving presence is Bertie Mandelbaum, Compass’ longest-standing employee.

When Bertie started at Compass, it wasn’t actually called Compass. She joined Travelers Aid of San Francisco in the late 1970s under a Nixon-era public service work program called CETA, later repealed by the Reagan administration. At that time, Travelers Aid included a drop-in main office on Mason Street, a childcare center at the YMCA Hotel, and a few kiosks at bus stations and the airport. The organization served vulnerable transient populations—immigrants, runaways, and others in need of resources to help them relocate or return home. Bertie began her journey at the childcare center, a small room at the YMCA hotel offering care to 24 children of all ages. She started as a receptionist, then later became the office manager, and eventually a case manager. Bertie loved meeting the people who walked in from all over the world, hearing their stories, and helping them find resources.
As Compass evolved to meet the growing needs of homeless families, Bertie’s role naturally expanded. In the early 1990s, Travelers Aid began noticing a shift in the population they served. More and more families were coming to the doors in need of help—families who were often homeless and needed more than a bus ticket: they needed a place to stay. In response, Travelers Aid opened its first shelter and began the transition to what we now know as Compass Family Services. Bertie relocated to the shelter, where she found new purpose in supporting families in crisis. She loved the work, connecting deeply with the people she served and helping them navigate the complexities of social services, secure jobs, and meet their unique needs. Bertie formed close bonds with young mothers under 25 years old, many of whom had grown up in foster care. She took great joy in helping them find their path.
For many, social work can be draining. It’s challenging to see people struggle and not always know how to help. But for Bertie, she has found peace in her work. She takes time to wind down on her commute and finds joy in her clients' successes. When asked if it is troubling to see her clients struggle, she says, “Yeah, but the other part is the zen of this work. My clients—they have the right to have their ups and downs. I read a book called The Zen of Social Work, and it promotes the idea that everyone has their path. I can’t rescue everybody—maybe I shouldn’t—but instead give them the eyes wide open to make good choices.”
Today, Bertie works part-time in Compass’ aftercare program. She supports clients who have been stably housed through Compass, helping them focus on maintaining that stability. Remarkably, Bertie still keeps in touch with clients she worked with 35 years ago. Some of them have found their path, like one client who was inspired by Bertie to get a degree in social work and now works for Homeless Prenatal Services. Others are still struggling, and for those clients, Bertie maintains a list of available services to direct them to. For Bertie, the work of helping others find their way is never truly done. As long as she has help to give and people who want support, she’s there to support them in whatever way she can.
Bertie’s decades of service remind us of the power one person can have in shaping a community and offering hope to those in need. As Compass continues to evolve, Bertie’s lasting impact is felt throughout our programs. If you’re ever at Compass, you’re likely to witness that impact firsthand—and perhaps even be inspired to follow in her footsteps, helping others find their way.